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Thursday, January 27, 2011

For All My Facebook Friends....

I am all about cybersafety and digital citizenship.  If you use Facebook, then you should pay a visit to your security settings.  Here are some items to consider:
Go to your "Account"
then "Privacy Settings"
You will see  "Apps  and Websites" in the bottom left corner
Choose to "Edit Your Settings"
I would look at each of the setting listed.  If you edit the "Apps You Use" section, you can click on the box beside any application listed.  You will want to do this for any questionable or spammy apps.
I would also take a look at the Public Search setting at the bottom.  I chose to edit these setting by unchecking the public search box.

Also under "Account", I edit my friends and create lists.  All of my friends are assigned a list.  Each list has different privacy settings.  With these lists I can limit what information the people that I don't  know very well can see, while allowing my closest friends full access to my Facebook pages.  Lastly, all of my settings are set to "friends only" instead of including "Friends of Friends".

Happy FB!

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