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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kids today...

My top ten teaching tools that I wish were around when I was in school:

10. The document camera-I  remember the "ditto" machine that we used when I first started teaching.  The    
       smell was as memorable as the smeared blue ink.

9. Email- no stamps needed!

8. Videoconferencing- Virtual fieldtrips to an aquarium beats the water treatment plant we visited every year.

7. Classroom sound systems- Background noise is no longer a problem.

6. Student response systems (voting devices)- very engaging!

5. Computers- It is hard to imagine we actually lived without them!

4. High Speed Internet Access- we have come a long way from just using an encyclopedia...

3. iPads- User friendly and  highly entertaining!

2. Digital media- so much better than a film strip...

1. Interactive White Boards.  My personal preference is a Promethean board, although a large screen TV    
    with a SMART overlay is not too shabby. Once a teacher has experienced teaching with one of these    
    boards, they cannot imagine teaching without one.

This is a link to the best school system around!

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